This project's focus was to create a multitude of banners, tents, and outdoor decorations for The Flynn Group of Companies' anual Christmas drive Read more
Flynn Group of Companies
MYC Media
Creative Design
Pre Press / Preflight

Flynn Group of Companies provides construction services, maintenance services, and urgent repairs, as defined by the multiple locations in which they operate. They work on commercial and industrial properties. The company has been in business since 1978 and serves all of North America. MYC Media is in charge of managing their fleet, and because they know the kind of work that MYC is capable of producing with their machines and staff, they approached them with a Christmas drive for the employees of the local Flynn building to take their children on as the first time that this was done we were still in the middle of covid (2020).
For this year's installation (2021), Flynn wanted to scale up the scope of what they wanted to be done. For this year's installation, we designed, printed and installed a total of 17 new banners apart from the 6 that were kept from the previous year’s event.
The drive took place around Flynn’s building in Mississauga, Ontario. The path in which people would be driving was divided into multiple sectors; Entrance, turn one, hot chocolate station, long straight, gift station, inflatable trailers, 53ft trailers, and exit.
The entrance had 7 banners in total, two that opened to the side, saying welcome, and tuned to Flynn's Christmas radio station, which the drivers could listen to Christmas songs while driving through. The positioning of banners also was positioned in a way that guided the drivers toward this “tunnel” of lights and banners. The remainder of the banners were created to fit inside tents, to double down as a graphic image and as a windshield.
Overall, the project's outcome was very successful; the majority of the challenges were in the design and the production timeline, as there were 200 yards worth of banners printed. Flynn's group of companies was extremely happy with the outcome and how it all came together.